5 Best Hero Fighter Mobile Legends Patch Version 1.2.80 - ENJOY

Monday, June 11, 2018

5 Best Hero Fighter Mobile Legends Patch Version 1.2.80


Updates made by Mobile Legends every month always bring changes to the meta. Various buffs, nerfs, and adjustments continue to make all heroes become more balanced in the fight. But on the 1.2.80 patch this time, there are at least 5 best fighter heroes you can count on to win the game. Who are they? Check out the following reviews.

1. Martis


Although exposed to nerf in terms of control effects and speed of skill, Martis's potential as a fighter still has not faded. The damage he generated is still very high, especially when using the Decimate to a dying enemy. Buff from passive skill also makes it possible to produce basic attack with high speed after using skill. This is certainly beneficial for him because it can generate high damage from both skill and basic attack.

2. Alpha


Got hit nerf many times and make Alpa become hero exiles, Alpha potency finally back up. Hero fighter who can initiate this is very deadly, especially if the player has mastered positioning and timing when using the skill. It is also very flexible because it can be a tank or dealer damage depending on the build and emblem. Coupled with a high lifesteal, Alpha is almost difficult to die if it has a qualified item.

3. Jawhead


High damage and expert ganking is a Jawhead specialization. It can produce high damage with passive skills coupled with Ejector that can throw enemies and friends. Coupled with the ultimate, Jawhead will make you feel the sensation of being chased by wild creatures.

4. Hilda


Not only hard, Hilda also has high damage in the fighter class as well as the tank. With Hilda's passive skills, Hilda can get extra damage every time she does kill or assist in her ultimate. Not to mention regeneration in large numbers both in bush and dying make Hilda more difficult to kill, especially in conditions 1 to 1.

5. Ruby


Beautiful, lively, Ruby's damage was quite painful. That's a bit of a picture of Ruby, a fighter hero with a big scythe. A very short cooldown skill allows it to produce continuous damage with a large lifesteal of skill and its items.

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