Epic Games Store Release, Share 1 Free Game Every 2 Weeks Throughout 2019 - ENJOY

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Epic Games Store Release, Share 1 Free Game Every 2 Weeks Throughout 2019

Competing against Steam for selling digital games is not an easy job. With hundreds of millions of users spread throughout the world, complete with various supporting features, Steam consistently offers a variety of discount promotions that further enhance its reputation. However, Steam's reputation is not all good, especially among game publishers.

Seeing this weakness, Epic Games, Fortnite developers and Unreal Engine 4, will still struggle with their latest store - Epic Games Store.

In addition to a profit sharing system that benefits publishers and developers more because Epic Games will only receive 12 percent of sales, they also offer promotional periods.

Epic Games announces it is ready to offer one free game every two weeks throughout 2019. The first two free games they want to offer are Subnautica (December 14 to December 27, 2018) and Super Meat Boy (December 28, 2018-10 January 2019).

Unfortunately, there is no exact information whether the game will use a permanent claim system or it will only be able to be played over this two-week period. Epic Games hasn't talked much.

Whatever it is, as long as you can get a free game, why not just try it? You also agree right?

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